Undergraduate Minors and Concentrations

Students pursuing the Bachelor of Music degree may apply to pursue a minor in Liberal Arts or in Music Theory or a concentration in Music Technology or Teaching Artistry and Music Education. See the section on Undergraduate Minors and Concentrations under Programs of Study for more information.

Students who wish to pursue a minor or concentration must be in good academic standing as defined within the Academic Catalog. They should speak with their academic advisor and the relevant department chair/concentration director to discuss their proposed course of study and the requirements of the minor or concentration.

Students who decide to apply for a minor or concentration must complete the Approval to Pursue an Undergraduate Minor or Concentration form, available from the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. The form requires the approval signatures of the minor department chair or concentration director, the faculty minor advisor (see below), the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs for Advising, and the academic advisor. The form also requires the acknowledgment of the student’s studio instructor (or, for Jazz and CMA majors, the department chair).

Liberal Arts Minor
Students may declare the minor after successful completion of the LARTS 111a—i.e., as early as January of freshman year—but not later than the end of junior year.

Music Theory Minor
Students may declare the minor after successful completion of the Music Theory core curriculum as stated in the Academic Catalog for the student’s major. Students are strongly encouraged to declare the Music Theory minor no later than the end of sophomore year. A student submits the list of four music theory electives, a brief description of their main interest in music theory, and a topic for a Capstone Project approved by the faculty advisor and Chair.

Music Technology Concentration
Students may declare the concentration after successful completion of any prerequisites for the courses they wish to pursue for the concentration, which must be selected from a list of approved courses. Students are strongly encouraged to declare the concentration no later than the end of sophomore year.

Teaching Artistry and Music Education Concentration
Undergraduate students must declare the concentration no later than registration for the first semester of third year.


 Students on academic probation may not declare or remain in the minor or concentration Students must maintain a GPA of 3.33 (B+) for courses in the minor or concentration. Students who fall below the stated GPA will be placed on probation within the minor or concentration for one semester. If the student does not meet the academic standing requirements for the minor or concentration after the semester of probation, they will be required to un-declare the minor or concentration.


Liberal Arts Minor
The Liberal Arts minor consists of 14 credits—12 in coursework and 2 for the Capstone Project.

Music Theory Minor
The Music Theory minor consists of 10 credits. The distribution between coursework and the Capstone Project is dependent upon the track of study selected. (Please see Undergraduate Programs of Study for more information). Students pursuing the Research in Music Theory track will incur an additional tuition charge for the two semesters of half-time studio instruction (4 credits).

Music Technology Concentration
The Music Technology concentration consists of 8 credits—6 in coursework from a list of approved courses and 2 for the Capstone project.

Teaching Artistry and Music Education Concentration
The Teaching Artistry and Music Education concentration consists of 5 credits; 4 credits of coursework from an approved list (including a 2-credit, required foundational course) and 1 credit for a capstone project. The concentration also requires additional (non-credit bearing) fellowships and workshops.

At the time of declaration of a minor the student will select a faculty member from the minor department as a minor advisor. At the time of declaration of the Music Technology concentration, the student will propose an advisor to the concentration program director, based upon the student’s area of interest and focus of study in the concentration. The minor or concentration advisor provides guidance and mentoring throughout the minor or concentration, beginning with assisting the student in designing their proposed course of study in the minor or concentration.

Liberal Arts Minor
Students will meet with their Liberal Arts minor advisor three times per semester leading up to the Capstone semester. For each session, the student and the minor advisor will complete a benchmarking checklist that will allow both the student and the minor advisor to measure progress toward completion of the minor. If sufficient progress is not being made, the minor advisor will recommend that the student un-declare the minor.

Sophomore Year
Course coordination (each semester)
Student reflections on the minor and connections between courses (submitted each semester)

Junior Year
Course coordination (each semester)
Submission of ideas for the Capstone Project (by the end of the spring semester)

Senior Year
A Capstone Project proposal will be due on the first day of classes of the fall semester
Presentation of the Capstone Project will take place during the senior year, in either the fall or spring semester.

Music Theory Minor
Students will meet with their Music Theory minor advisor and the department chair during the pre-registration period each semester for guidance on course selection within the minor. The student and the minor advisor will meet periodically in the semesters leading up to the Capstone semester to ensure appropriate course coordination, progress toward completion of the minor, and preparation for the Capstone Project. If sufficient progress is not being made, the minor advisor will recommend that the student un-declare the minor.

Music Technology Concentration
Students pursuing a concentration in Music Technology will spend a semester working with a chosen faculty advisor to create a directed study plan leading to the realization of a technology-based semester project aligning with the student’s area(s) of interest.

Teaching Artistry and Music Education Concentration
Upon declaring the concentration, students will meet with a member of the CEPS staff to assist in designing their proposed course of study, including selection of courses, fellowship planning, and initial ideas for a capstone project. Continued advising with CEPS staff on progress through the concentration will be available on an as needed basis.

When students begin their capstone project (during the last or penultimate semester of their degree) they will work with CEPS staff to select a capstone advisor who will help guide the completion of the project. During the semester of the capstone project, the student registers for a course that includes an expected seven hours of advising with their selected advisor.

A student may un-declare the minor or concentration, in writing to their minor or concentration and academic advisors, at any time. It is the obligation of the student's academic advisor to inform the registrar of the student's decision to un-declare the minor or concentration.