Financial Information

Tuition and fees cover only part of the cost of educating NEC students. The balance is often met by funds, gifts, and bequests. NEC makes every effort to assist students through scholarships and other financial aid; government funds are also available for those who qualify.

In extraordinary circumstances such as those that arose during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Conservatory may be required to change teaching modalities; reduce or eliminate course offerings; limit building, residence hall, or meal access; or take other mitigation efforts. The Conservatory reserves the right to do so when necessary to protect the health and safety of the entire NEC community and ensure the Conservatory is able to continue fulfilling its educational mission. Such changes will not warrant remission or refund of tuition, fees, or costs where student access to Conservatory educational opportunities, programs and services is not materially reduced. In such extraordinary circumstances, Conservatory leadership will review the matter and advise students whether refund of any portion of tuition, fees, or costs (on a pro rata or other basis) may be appropriate.

The payment, refund, and tuition responsibility policies set forth in this Section are informed not only by NEC Policy but also by the important provisions of federal financial aid laws and Massachusetts laws, as well as by related veterans’ and other educational benefits laws. They are subject to change as the law or regulations change.