Song Lab


The Song Lab introduces a new and unique curricular model for education in the area of classical vocal music for singers and pianists. While song is the unifying medium for the various strands of learning in these labs, the purpose of this curriculum is to develop knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by all professional performers in the area of classical vocal music. They provide core studies that work alongside and enhance other primary studies (i.e., opera, oratorio, pedagogy, chamber music), NOT taking the place of these.


The Song Lab meets twice weekly for two hours and brings together various strands of knowledge and experience required for song performers, including performance practice, lyric diction, poetry, history, analysis, collaboration, communication (writing and speaking), acting, text translation, program note writing, concert program building, marketing, and entrepreneurship. The full curriculum will consist of a sequence of four labs (eligible students are encouraged to take all four semesters), all focused on drawing connections between these strands of education. While all semesters will support the development of general skills like collaboration, research, performance, and communication, each of the four semesters is distinguished by its focus on one language (German, English, French, or others), providing the student with an immersive experience every semester by focusing on histories, repertoires, and styles associated with a single language. Thus over the course of the four semesters, the student will delve deeply into the standard classical vocal repertoire and also have a wide range of other experiences, including collaboration with composers in creating new songs, experimentation with some non-classical musical styles, investigating songs in “non-standard” languages, concert program design, concert production and marketing, and public speaking. This curriculum intends to develop well-rounded and fluent musicians who approach their work in the professional world with broad knowledge and wide- ranging abilities.


Students are encouraged to take a German language course during the German Song semester and a French language course during the French Song semester.


For MM students (Voice and Collaborative Piano), enrollment in all four semesters of Song Lab will satisfy all department degree requirements for Vocal Repertoire, Diction, Music History, and Music Theory.



These courses aim to develop the student’s capacity for critical and creative thinking, effective communication and interaction through the analysis, performance, and creation of song. Exploring various histories, languages, and styles essential to the study and performance of song, students will also explore the fundamental concepts of entrepreneurship as they relate to concert production and audience development. Students will investigate critical concepts in psychology as they relate to communication on and off stage, and upon the completion of this course, students will be able to synthesize scholarship, performance, and entrepreneurship to engage diverse audiences through song.