MM Double Majors

Pursuing a second major at the Master’s level involves a formal admission process during, or any time after, the first year of study; see your academic advisor for details.

Once admitted to the second major, the student must consult with their academic advisor to develop a proposed curriculum which must then be approved by both department chairs, the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs for Advising, and the Dean and Chief Academic Officer. The program requires at least two additional full-time semesters. Students must take all courses for the first major and any additional courses required for the second.

Students must meet free elective credit requirements for the first degree, but may use any required departmental courses for the second major towards free electives for the first major. Those pursuing a second major should anticipate enrolling in four additional semesters of studio; however, they may petition for permission to meet their requirements with only two more. Studio, chamber music, and ensemble credits for the second degree may not be used towards the first degree. Such petitions will only be considered when the two fields of study are closely related. Furthermore, such petitions require the approval of the new department chair, academic advisor, the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs for Advising, and Dean and Chief Academic Officer. Under no circumstances may a student enroll in two studios in the same field simultaneously. Students pursuing a double major will be required to pay for additional studio as full-time tuition only covers one studio assignment.