Academic Standing

Students who are registered for full-time study, who complete all attempted credits with a minimum semester GPA of 3.70 (for the bachelor’s program) or 3.90 (for the master’s program), and who receive no grades of U, F, F*, W, INC, IP (except in CLPNO 511T), or IPD, qualify for the Dean’s List. They may take up to 2 non-studio credits beyond full-time load in the next semester without additional charge. They may not, however, use such credits to accelerate programs (see Residency Policy), nor can Dean’s List credits be held in reserve for use in a later semester. Students enrolled in the Undergraduate Diploma, Undergraduate Performance Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate, Doctor of Musical Arts, or Artist Diploma programs are not eligible for the Dean’s List. Students enrolled full time in the NEC/Tufts program qualify for the Dean’s List at both schools if they fulfill the requirements at each institution (3.70 GPA at NEC; 3.40 at Tufts). Those enrolled for 12 or more credits at NEC are eligible for our Dean’s List, independent of their standing at Tufts. DMA students should consult the DMA Handbook for additional information on Dean’s List eligibility.

To qualify for continued financial assistance, Conservatory students must maintain satisfactory academic progress. NEC defines satisfactory academic progress as the successful completion of at least 67% of all registered credits every semester, as well as successful completion of any promotional evaluation. Additionally, undergraduates must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 while graduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. At the end of every semester, the Academic Review Committee considers records to determine whether students have made satisfactory academic progress. Those who have not fulfilled the requirement may be placed on academic probation; they may also forfeit eligibility for financial aid (see Probation and Suspension below). The committee considers exceptions in cases of illness, bereavement, or well-documented personal circumstances.

Probation provides both a warning and a method of supervision for students whose work has not met NEC’s requirements. The Academic Review Committee adjudicates cases of students subject to probation, suspension, or dismissal; its decisions appear on transcripts.

The committee places a student on probation based on the following criteria:

1) Academic
a) a term GPA below 2.00 for undergraduates or 3.00 for graduates;
b) two or more failing grades;
c) failure to make satisfactory academic progress.
2) Performance/Applied Studies
a) failure in studio
b) U (Unsatisfactory) in a promotional; or
c) failure in a curriculum-required ensemble for two consecutive semesters

Students on probation may not withdraw from courses without permission of the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs for Advising. Students are not permitted to graduate while on suspension or during a semester in which their academic record has placed them on probation; those on probation must meet the conditions necessary to return to good standing to graduate. In addition, students who are placed on probation as a result of their final semester’s work are not permitted to graduate.

To return to good standing, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • Students placed on probation for academic reasons must successfully complete at least one credit of work in a course used in GPA calculations during the next semester for which they are registered in order to qualify for “Satisfactory Academic Progress” and thus leave probationary status.

  • Students placed on probation for performance/applied studies reasons must successfully complete all credits related to the performance or applied studies activities which originally placed them on probation or suspension.

The Academic Review Committee may stipulate additional terms required for students to return to good standing.

Students with two consecutive unsatisfactory academic records, or two consecutive unsatisfactory promotionals, or three consecutive semesters of failed curricular-required ensemble are subject to suspension. Suspension based on probationary records is for one full year, though students may petition the Academic Review Committee for an early return from suspension under unusual and compelling circumstances. Suspended students must request permission to return from the Academic Review Committee, through their studio department, and from the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs for Advising. Students must provide documentation demonstrating their ability to successfully complete their program, as specified in their suspension letter. Petitions must be submitted by March 1 for the Fall semester, and October 1 for the Spring semester. Students who receive permission to return from suspension are automatically on probation for their first semester back at NEC.

A student who fails Studio in combination with any other probationary criteria may be subject to an immediate one-semester suspension, without initially being placed on probation, at the discretion of the Academic Review Committee.

Suspended students allowed to return who do not achieve satisfactory academic standing in their first semester are subject to dismissal.