
NEC expects new students to arrive for the first day of orientation; continuing students, by the first day of class each semester. Students are responsible for knowing their course, studio, and ensemble attendance policies. Instructors are responsible for informing students about their attendance policies at the beginning of each course. Students are responsible for all material and information covered in classes missed. Students are expected to carefully consult individual course syllabi for course-specific attendance policies, as they may vary by class.

NEC recognizes that jury duty is an important obligation. Students who must miss class to fulfill jury service should notify their instructors at least one month prior to jury duty to make arrangements to complete missed work. Students who do not inform their instructors in advance may not receive accommodations to make up missed work.

In accordance with Massachusetts law, NEC permits students to request an absence from class, examination, study, or work requirement because of their religious beliefs. Students who are approved for such a request shall be provided with an opportunity to make up such examination, study, or work requirement which they may have missed because of such absence on a particular day; provided, however, that such makeup examination or work shall not create an unreasonable burden upon NEC. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because they have requested a leave for religious observance. Students who need to miss class due to religious observance should inform their faculty of the reason and date(s) for their absence at least two weeks prior to their first anticipated absence. Students and faculty should contact the Dean of Students & Campus Life with any questions.

Students should report all absences that may have a significant impact on academic or performance standing to the appropriate class, studio or ensemble faculty, and/or department administrator. Any student with a significant illness, injury, or hospitalization requiring multiple absences should contact the Coordinator for Health and Wellness in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Appropriate documentation will be provided by the Office of Academic and Student Affairs to assist with requesting excused absences, including requests for accommodation through the Office of Academic and Student Affairs (OASA) and the Disability Support Services (DSS) when appropriate. Students requesting accommodations for a documented injury or illness should contact the Coordinator of Student Care & Support in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.

Note: The Coordinator for Health and Wellness will not provide excuse notes for routine illnesses or injuries that may lead to missed classes, rehearsals or performances. Absence from academic and performance activities, for whatever reason, does not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the required course, studio, or ensemble work during the period of absence. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for missed class work or other assignments in a timely fashion.

In cases where the health and safety of the community are at risk, the Dean of Students and Campus Life will advise students and faculty about appropriate precautions. The Dean of Students & Campus Life may consult with appropriate Conservatory administrators in facilitating such communication.

If a student anticipates absence from class, studio, and/or ensemble commitment for a professional obligation of fewer than 6 consecutive class days, the student should inform each faculty member in advance of such absence. It is the faculty member’s prerogative to decide whether such absence is excusable or not.

Students with professional obligations of 6 or more consecutive class days, must fill out the Professional Temporary Leave Form which is available from the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. Again, it will be the prerogative of the student’s individual faculty to determine whether any such absences are or are not excusable and how missed work will be completed. In all cases, students bear responsibility for communicating with faculty and (if necessary) the Office of Academic and Student Affairs, in a clear and timely fashion. Students with a professional obligation that extends to 10 or more consecutive class days should consult with their advisor and studio teacher to explore options, including a leave of absence or changing their status to inactive.

A student who is requesting an excused absence from the Office of Academic and Student Affairs, should contact the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs for Advising. Among the reasons for an excused absence are: death or major illness of a student’s immediate family member or a dependent, participation in legal proceedings, participation in military duties, and absences related to pregnancy, hospitalization, and similar incidents of extenuating circumstances. It is the student’s responsibility to work with the faculty member to make arrangements for missed classes, class work or other assignments in a timely fashion. Decisions regarding what information will be shared with faculty by the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs for Advising will be made in consultation with the student.

Every NEC student assigned to an ensemble (large or small) is expected to be punctual, responsible, and prepared. Students are required to attend all rehearsals, be warmed up and seated 10 minutes before starting time for all rehearsals or 10 minutes before call time if you are not on the first piece.

Rehearsal schedules will be posted online and/or on a departmentally designated bulletin board, and attendance will be taken at all rehearsals.

Students who are experiencing a short-term, non-contagious illness not confining them to bed, or a minor injury, are still required to attend rehearsals. You should inform the ensemble manager of the circumstances. If the illness or injury prevents you from actively participating in the ensemble, then you should audit the rehearsal, either by sitting in your seat within the ensemble, or in a seat within the rehearsal hall close enough to hear the conductor. You should have your part(s) in hand and follow the rehearsal carefully, marking whatever issues are covered. No other coursework may be undertaken during this time, and no electronic devices may be used.

Any student seeking to be excused from a scheduled rehearsal and/or concert must submit a request to the appropriate ensemble manager prior to the deadline set by the department. If a student’s request to be excused from a rehearsal and/or concert is not approved, the student will be expected to be present for the rehearsal and/or concert. Each student is responsible for arranging their schedule to avoid any conflicts with ensemble rehearsals and performances.

Lateness, early exit, or absence due to conflicts with studio, including make-up lessons, will not be excused. Conservatory faculty are aware of this policy, and students are expected to work with their instructors to ensure that neither regular nor make-up lessons conflict with the student’s ensemble obligations. It is also important that students schedule their degree recitals and dress rehearsals such that no conflicts are created with any ensemble rehearsal or performance, as no excuse requests will be approved under these circumstances.

Students who have significant illnesses or injuries that interfere with their ability to meet their ensemble obligations are strongly encouraged to consult a clinician at the Tufts Center for Collegiate Wellness for treatment or referral to appropriate specialists. Students should also confer with their academic advisor about how it will impact their academic progress, or whether a medical leave of absence is an option.

When students must be absent from a rehearsal due to an emergency on the morning of the rehearsal they must notify the appropriate ensemble manager at least one hour before the rehearsal.

Any unexcused absence or lateness will reduce your grade and could result in a failure in course for the semester. Students must notify rehearsal managers within 10 days of the first day of classes for any conflicts with religious observances.