
Responsibility and authority for admitting, continuing, promoting, and graduating students is vested in the President, Deans, and Faculty Council. New England Conservatory reserves the right to refuse, suspend, or cancel the registration of any student whose acceptance or continued attendance is considered detrimental to the best interests of the student or the College.

Students are responsible for understanding this Academic Catalog, their degree program, and current academic regulations. The Conservatory reviews and revises its regulations annually; revisions become effective upon publication of the Academic Catalog. Graduation requirements are determined by degree programs described in the year students enter the Conservatory.

In addition, the information in this Academic Catalog is subject to change and amendment during the academic year. This includes without limitation amendments to particular course offerings, faculty assignments, programmatic offerings, requirements for certificate or degree programs, and timelines for completion of programs, certificates, or degrees. Such amendments, including program changes, may be made without prior notice in order to comply with evolving laws, regulations, and accreditation requirements, as well as to ensure we best meet the needs of the entire NEC community. This Academic Catalog is issued for informational purposes only and is not a contract.

NEC complies with the Student Right to Know and Crime Awareness and Campus Security Acts.