Graduation Requirements

Students are eligible to graduate when they have satisfactorily completed all program requirements.

To qualify for graduation, and in order for a degree to be conferred, a degree/diploma candidate must:

  1. see the academic advisor for a graduation review;
  2. complete and file an intent to graduate form by the stipulated deadline (see
    Academic Calendar);
  3. complete all degree requirements, including courses, promotionals, recitals, theses and final projects, non-credit requirements, courses transferred from other school(s), and degree examinations (for DMA requirements, see Doctor of Musical Arts);
  4. achieve a minimum CGPA of 2.00 (undergraduate) or 3.00 (graduate);
  5. complete all grades of INC (incomplete) or IP (in progress);
  6. meet all obligations, including the return of books, instruments, and music to respective libraries;
  7. pay any fees, tuition, fines, or emergency loans;
  8. complete an exit interview with the Financial Aid Office;
  9. complete the final semester of registered coursework with Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Students on Academic or Disciplinary Probation may not graduate until they have fulfilled the terms of probation.

NEC expects master’s candidates to complete all degree requirements within five years of matriculation; doctoral students, within seven years.

Degree and diploma candidates are allowed to participate in one ceremony for their degree. Students who have completed all degree requirements are eligible to participate at commencement. UD, BM, MM, and GD students may request to participate at commencement even when their degree requirements are not completed if they meet all three of the requirements listed below:

  • the student files an intent to graduate form with the Office of Academic and Student Affairs by the deadline stipulated in the Academic Calendar; and
  • the student can complete all remaining requirements in the semester immediately after walking; and
  • if the student’s remaining degree requirements are equal to or less than the number of credits that they would need to carry at NEC as a half-time
  • student in their degree program (see Credit Loads and Enrollment Status).

AD and DMA students must satisfy all degree requirements before participating in commencement.