
Undergraduate students may enroll in classes taught at Tufts University (undergraduate level only excluding the School of the Museum of Fine Arts through Tufts) and the ProArts Consortium schools--Berklee College (including Boston Conservatory at Berklee), Boston Architectural College, Emerson College, Massachusetts College of Art & Design, and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts—applying such credits to their programs.

To be eligible, students must be at least in their second year of enrollment at
New England Conservatory. In addition, students whose native language is not English and who wish to cross-register must have:

  1. achieved an iBT TOEFL score (or its equivalent) of 76,

  2. successfully completed ESL II, or

  3. passed the NEC Test of English Proficiency

Students cross-register for no more than one course per semester, regardless of credits; a total of 12 credits may be earned through cross-registration across all cross-registration opportunities and credits earned via cross-registration count against overall allowable transfer credit (see Transfer Credit).

Courses taken through cross-registration may not duplicate NEC offerings; in addition, students may not pursue studio, ensemble or coaching through cross-registration. Students who wish to cross-register must first receive permission from NEC’s Registrar and from their academic advisor, as well as the Registrar at the selected school. Cross-registration is not available for graduate students. In addition, students wishing to take a course to fulfill NEC Liberal Arts,* Music History, or Music Theory elective requirements must also obtain approval from the chair of the corresponding instructional department.

Students who register for cross-registration through NEC but do not matriculate into a class at the second institution must either drop or withdraw from the NEC cross-registration indicated on their course listing for the semester; they must also drop or withdraw from the course at the second institution through that school’s Registrar’s office. Students who fail to do so prior to the deadline for withdrawing from classes will receive a WA on their NEC transcript for the cross-registration course and will lose cross-registration privileges.

* Students wishing to fulfill their Liberal Arts elective credit requirements by taking courses outside the disciplines of literature, history, philosophy, politics, cultural studies, social sciences, environmental studies, film, and creative arts may do so without prior approval of the chair of the Liberal Arts department.