THYG 523T Introduction to Sonification

A rapid development of artificial intelligence driven by the expansion of technology and computation penetrated all fields of creativity, including social and natural sciences as well as art and music. Due to computational modeling of a vast number of processes in recent decades, parallels between structures studied in apparently disparate fields became evident. Reductionism of computation created bridges between disciplines, offering communication, collaboration and exchange between multitudes of social and professional circles. The class proposes sonification as an interdisciplinary approach to a sensory information display and a vehicle of communication between different fields. After the introduction to the concept of auditory displqy and its modalities such as audification, sonification and auditory icons, students observe and analyze spatial behavior of computational models, specifically Cellular Automata, interpret relations of elements in data sets, and transfer them to sound. The final projects may be written for acoustic instruments or electronics.




For undergraduates: MTHY 212 or MTHY 215. For graduates: THYG 082 or a passing score on the Theory Competency Exam.


General Education (GE) Eligible.