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Chamber Music and Ensembles
Intercultural and Improvisation Studies
Song Lab
2024-2025 Undergraduate Programs of Study
2024-2025 Graduate Programs of Study
CHM - Chamber Music
CHOR - Choral Music
CLPNO - Collaborative Piano
CMA - Contemporary Musical Arts
CMP - Composition
COND - Conducting
ENTP - Entrepreneurial Musicianship
ESL - Modern Languages
FREN - Modern Languages
GERM - Modern Languages
GTR - Strings
HP - Historically-Informed Perform Practice
INTG - Interdisciplinary
INT - Interdisciplinary
ITAL - Modern Languages
JS - Jazz Studies
LARTS - Liberal Arts
MHST - Music History
MTHY - Music Theory
MUSTECH - Interdisciplinary
OPERA - Opera Studies
ORCH - Orchestral Music
ORG - Piano
PNO - Piano
PRCBR - Percussion Brass
PROARTS - Cross Registration
STR - Strings
TEACHART - Interdisciplinary
THYG - Music Theory
THYU - Music Theory
VC - Voice
WW - Woodwinds
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JS - Jazz Studies
JS 100
Studio Jazz Studies (Undergraduate)
JS 131
Jazz Keyboard Skills I
JS 132
Jazz Keyboard Skills II
JS 263
Introduction to Jazz Improvisation/Ear Training
JS 263
Introduction to Jazz Improvisation/Ear Training
JS 264
Introduction to Jazz Improvisation/Ear Training
JS 264
Introduction to Jazz Improvisation/Ear Training
JS 368
Jazz Repertoire
JS 368
Jazz Repertoire
JS 378
Jazz Theory
JS 473
Jazz Composition & Arranging I
JS 474
Jazz Composition & Arranging II
JS 497
Jazz Composition Senior Evaluation
JS 500
Studio Jazz Studies (Graduate)
JS 509
Theory & Ear Training for Improvisers
JS 511
Jazz Theory & Ear Training
JS 521T
Improvisation for Non-Majors I
JS 522T
Improvisation for Non-Majors II
JS 523T
World Music Rhythms
JS 525T
Development of Rhythmic Skills
JS 526
Jazz Composition for Performers
JS 528
Intervallic Improvisation
JS 529
Melodic Rhythms in Jazz Improvisation
JS 548T
Jazz Vocal Traditions
JS 567
Developing a Jazz Language I
JS 568
Developing a Jazz Language II
JS 570A
Topics in Jazz Theory & Analysis: Evans & Ellington
JS 570C
Topics in Jazz Theory & Analysis: Thelonious Monk
JS 570H
Topics in Jazz Theory & Analysis: Coltrane & Tyner
JS 570I
Topics in Jazz Theory & Analysis: Parker & Davis
JS 572
Applied Modal Analysis
JS 573
Advanced Jazz Composition & Arranging I
JS 574
Advanced Jazz Composition & Arranging II
JS 577
Advanced Jazz Theory
JS 579T
Jazz Styles: Improvisation
JS 580T
Jazz Styles: Composition
JS 581T
Jazz Styles: Free Jazz & the Avant-Garde
JS 587T
Seminar in Performance
JS 588T
Seminar in Performance
JS 593
1st Year Review - Jazz Comp
JS 697
Graduate Portfolio - Jazz Comp
Jazz Ensemble