VC 680 Vocal Pedagogy Teaching Assistant
This course is a studio voice teaching practicum. Students will be assigned a studio (minimum of four students representing a variety of voice types) of students drawn from those enrolled in the NEC Voice for non-majors classes. An equivalent studio of students from a community school, high school, or another college may substitute for these students, so long as all assignments are otherwise completed and the instructor approves. TAs teaching NEC non-majors are responsible for guiding students through ten half-hour lessons in preparation for a public performance at the end of the semester. TAs meet for one hour weekly to discuss current issues in voice pedagogy, receive feedback on their own teaching, and observe occasional guest speakers. As the PRIMARY OBJECTIVES of this course, students will: 1. Gain practical experience working with a variety of singing bodies. 2. Implement a functional vocal training plan as introduced in VC 565 and VC 566. 3. Be challenged to diagnose technical issues, create a progressive teaching plan, and adapt said plan based on student performance in the dynamic environment of a voice lesson.