LARTS 391 Mapematics: Introduction to Geographic Information Science

Mapematics: An Introduction to Geographic Information Science (GIS) will explore how mathematics can be used to evaluate spatial information. Specifically, students will learn modern spatial analysis techniques using the R free computer programing language and software environment. As computer programing has emerged as an important discipline, students will be introduced and will practice command-line programing to evaluate spatial layers using the R software. The goals of this course are to introduce basic GIS concepts such as spatial data sources and structures, projections and coordinate systems, data editing and creation, and geospatial analysis. Specific class projects may include, but are not limited to, the evaluation of the density of performance venues within a specific proximity to a transportation network, the assessment of the probability of a flood at a given point given historical flood layers, or the evaluation of the spatial variation in nitrogen deposition (air pollution) over time.




((LARTS 111/Lecture or LARTS 111/Department or LARTS 147T/Lecture) and (LARTS 221/Lecture or LARTS 221/Department))