CEPS 525T Musical Storytelling in Community Arts Education

Musical Storytelling in Community Arts Education is a weekend intensive topical course that offers students the opportunity to create effective programming for young children through the art of Musical Storytelling. Rooted in NEC’s well-regarded musical storytelling programming in Boston area early childhood classrooms, the course anchors students in best practices for confidently engaging with young children through in-depth exploration of trends in early childhood learning, including the connection between music and early emergent literacy. Through a highly participatory structure, students will learn by way of experiential skill building activities, along with relevant readings and discussion with guest experts. The course will culminate in the opportunity to present a musical storytelling program in a collaboration with three of NEC’s community partnership sites. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on creating a positive peer learning community, as well as equipping students with necessary tools to reflect upon and evaluate their own work within a cohort. Priority will be given to students participating in CPP’s Musical Storytelling Fellowship, for which this class will serve as the primary professional development. Serves as required professional development for CPP Musical Storytelling Fellowship This class will meet on the following days and times: Friday, January 26th, 6-8 pm Saturday, January 27th: 10-12, 1-4 pm Sunday, January 28th: 2-5 pm, 6-8 pm Friday, February 2nd, 6-8 pm
