LARTS 111a Liberal Arts Seminar: Identity and Communication

Liberal Arts Seminar—Identity and Communication is a discussion-based course that encourages students to examine their developing identities as individuals and as active members of local and global society through the lens of a specific topic. The Seminar focuses on developing students’ skills in (1) collaboration, respectful discussion, public speaking, and audience engagement; (2) active learning and self-led inquiry and discovery; (3) situating one’s learning in real-world social and political contexts; and (4) engaging a broad variety of subjects important to being a world citizen and creative professional. The Seminar prepares students for academic writing across the curriculum through training in the practice and process of scholarly writing and through development of supporting skills in critical thinking and reading; rhetoric; and basic information resources, research, and source evaluation. Approaching writing as a process, students will learn and use strategies for inventing, developing, and drafting ideas; researching topics in the library and on the Internet; and revising and editing their work.




Students engaged in ESL coursework at NEC need to complete ESL IV before enrolling in LARTS 111a.