INTG 531T Sensor-Based Instrument Prototyping

This 1/2 semester course takes place in a lecture/maker-lab environment and will provide students with an understanding of how sensor-based microcontroller systems may read physical data and generate controlled responses in the form of sound, light, and image via software and actuators (motors, lights, haptic vibrational devices). Each week, students will assemble electronic circuits and coding elements to create working prototypes of sensor5driven controller instruments. Considerations relating to the balance of the range, scale, and perceived force of physical input with corresponding sonic, visual, and tactile responses will be emphasized in the planning of prototype construction. Existing sensor control systems by musical artists such as Pamela Z, Leticia Sonami, and Sarah Belle Reid will be examined. Beginning with projects that utilize only a few simple electronic components, students will work toward the creation of a final prototyping project combining sensors and actuators in a manner that results in an engaging interaction between the user/performer and the controller instrument. Technical skills that will be acquired include the ability to construct electronic circuits using solderless breadboards and common electronic components; an understanding of microcontroller architecture; introductory programing techniques; and working knowledge of a variety of sensors and actuators drawn from the following types: ultrasonic, infrared, accelerometer, gyroscope, photocell, force sensitive resistors, reflective IR, photointerrupter, buttons, magnetic switches, LEDs, vibration motors, servos, and solenoids. Students will also gain an understanding of the importance of practical and aesthetic concerns relating to the physical construction of sensor5based controller instruments.
