Professional String Quartet Program

Under the guidance of Paul Katz, the Professional String Quartet Training Program offers intensive training and coaching to exceptional young professional string quartets that show the talent and commitment necessary to pursue a professional concert career. Quartets that demonstrate these qualities are eligible for this intensive course of study within any of the existing NEC graduate degrees, including Graduate Diploma and Master of Music (providing they meet any qualifying degree requirements for those degree or diploma programs). The four young professional musicians will normally be in residence for two years, rehearsing four to five hours a day to develop as a cohesive artistic entity. A primary function of the quartet is to be active in the external community. This will include performances in a variety of venues, such as hospitals, churches, and retirement communities, as well as giving masterclasses and providing outreach programs in local high schools and colleges. The String Quartet Training Program is intended to nurture the art of the string quartet, serve the community, and provide top-quality education in all aspects of musicianship and career development.

This specialized two-year course of study is intended for members of existing string quartets who are selected by audition. It is not available to other individuals or groups. Students in the program will each receive a full-tuition scholarship and a generous living stipend for up to four semesters of full-time study.