Graduate Diploma

This program consists of two years of full-time study in composition, performance and conducting. Programs may include repertoire coaching, ensemble, chamber music, and coursework as related to the major. Audition standards are higher than those for the Master of Music program, though not as high as for the Artist Diploma. The minimum requirement for entry into this program is a bachelor’s degree, undergraduate diploma, or the equivalent.

Students and their academic advisor design a four-semester program of study that is reviewed during registration periods. Students are encouraged to seek additional advice from their studio instructor and department chair.

Students who have graduated from NEC’s Master’s degree program after completing the four-semester full-time residency requirement for that program may petition to apply one year’s work (12 credits of studio and classes and 2 credits of ensemble maximum with grades of B or better) from the Master’s to the Graduate Diploma program. Students who have graduated from NEC’s Graduate Diploma program and wish to enroll in NEC’s Master’s degree program may petition to apply 18 to 20 credits, depending on major, from the Graduate Diploma to the Master’s program. The second program may be completed in a minimum of one year. The deadline to submit a petition for the one-year program is the last day of add/drop in the second semester of study.

If the petition is approved, the promotional is waived; for vocal performance majors the one-year ensemble requirement for the second program is also waived.