Undergraduate Performance Certificate

The one-year certificate program affords students the opportunity of crafting a customized, focused curriculum that centers around studio instruction instrument/area of study, supplemented by elective offerings that complement the studio experience and align with the student’s professional, artistic and/ or academic objectives. This program is designed at the undergraduate level, so requires a high school diploma or equivalent. In addition, applicants must meet or exceed the undergraduate minimum for TOEFL or its equivalent.

Students are required to present a final project, the nature and scope of which will be determined between the student and studio instructor. A performance is not required, but students who choose this as their final project may opt for a half-recital. The final project will be evaluated by the studio instructor and-if appropriate-by other faculty members, as determined by the department chair. Studio instruction is required of all undergraduate certificate students; in addition, all orchestral instrumentalists are required to register for large ensemble each semester.